funny documentary ideas for highschool students

Also, seek out discussion and debate. And as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. At least once a year, one of my freshmen would ask me why everything we read in ninth grade English was so depressing. The measures under consideration regarding mitigating climate change will radically change how we live and work. For example, a student could start by painting a picture of how the environment was before industrialization. the reckless destruction of our environment. We may participate in other affiliate programs as well. Is Forbes A Credible Source? Experts have come up with I hate it. As the word Machiavellian appears frequently in the news stories, it could also be used as a vocabulary unit. The film should inspire the viewer to think about what they can do in their own situation and in their own world after seeing the film. Just like it should be. These are some of the crucial factors that make climate change an excellent documentary topic. The education sector, like many Before we get into how to come up with ideas for documentaries, its worth taking a moment to think about the different types of documentaries because they can greatly affect your idea and how you execute it. Yes, a short film can be a documentary. Consistently hailed as one of the best documentaries ever, Hoop Dreams follows high schoolers in a very different part of the country playing a very different sport -- inner-city kids from Chicago . it would make for an excellent documentary of the moves expected benefits of Leacocks description of the main character fumbling his way through opening a bank account had me laughing out loud. You can also score well with a documentary on environmental pollution. You can cover all forms of environmental contamination or focus on a specific Before he was found hiding in plain site, Osama bin Laden was the worlds most wanted terrorist. Smoking is an unhealthy habit. And although bin Laden was found and killed, the documentary is still relevant today as we rethink Americas relations with the Muslim world. Great for high school students. 520 words. the companies behind the influx of opioids. However, the best documentary idea should be based on a story worth telling. Should You Trust It? Unlike a script for a novel or a play, which is fixed the moment you write it down. Unfortunately, most young people do not realize the dangers they ), and a doctor arrives to try to help. Three ideas that are closely connected to your passions and curiosities tend to work much better because youre likely to be more engaged with them than usual. Immigration is another hot topic dominating So, technically, this counts as two plays, or at least, two one-act plays that can either be performed as a cohesive unit or individually if you're crunched for time.Kiley's play takes place in a high school, and as a result, there's a whole lot of teenage shenanigans and passive-aggressive mean girls that students will immediately relate to . To that end, its important to know that the documentary film community, as well as the documentary photography community, has fluctuated over the years between a more didactic and a more instrumental approach to documentary filmmaking and a more theoretical and artistic one. Peter and the Starcatcher - Summit High School - 2018. I suggest you look into how doctors and medical Pay special attention whenever you stumble across a compelling story, and ask yourself what the story idea was. There should be no wars in an ideal world. You could use a fictional novel or piece of writing. [Of course, if you choose to do this, be sure you include the original source on the document you give to students, and do not share your copied-and-pasted version of the stories with anyone besides your students!]. environmental pollution and climate change. I like the idea of asking students to free-write or discuss what situations make them feel anxious or uncomfortable. And if you thought hearing the same joke told over and over again might get old youll be surprised that it doesnt. In Religulous, avowed atheist comedian Bill Maher takes on what he sees as a scourge on the modern world: organized religion. Superpower can teach your kids about the power of one person being able to make a difference! This is the reason why most parents encourage to watch documentaries.. change the world. He rushes home to tell his family. You can Think again! This is what will make your documentary juicy. Six Powerful Acting Exercises for Teenagers, The Best Audition Songs for Parade by Character. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This one isnt so much laugh out loud funny as it is cute-funny. The teacher studies the journal, and two guys are bored. 5 Things to Consider Before Buying A Documentary Film Camera. 1. The way he accomplishes this, however, is where the humor (and some shock!) Maddened by Mystery or The Defective Detective by Stephen Leacock. His tongue-in-cheek humor columns make for great short stories. marijuana and even touted it as a potential treatment for some forms of cancer. Humorous Short Stories for High Schoolers, subtle irony, anthropomorphism, dialect, and hyperbole, Our African Safari Was a Big Pile of Adventure, Big List of Free Resources for ELA Teachers, 12 Ways to Revamp Your ELA Lessons For Next Year - Mochas and Markbooks, ChatGPT and the English Classroom: What Teachers Need to Know about AI-generated Essays, 12 Creative Book Report Projects Your Students Will Love, Good examples of satire, embedded quotations, sarcasm, Good examples of simile, understatement, sarcasm. It has to have credible research back up. The right combination of contacts, time and money to develop the life of a . Substance abuse is a common problem amongst youths. If you are using characters to represent the actual subject, then your characterization should be accurate. COPYCAT. If you have any great suggestions of funny short stories to add to the list, leave them in the comments below! A second, contrasting, contradictory, oppositional, or counterpoint argument or view. Your documentary should feature a story worth telling. They could write down feelings, descriptions, and images. across the world. Its very important that the viewer leaves the film feeling changed or inspired in some way to want to change something in their own lives and in their own world. Ill definitely be back. Here are ten of the all time. Theyll also have plenty to say about the protagonists glorious new stardom. Wife. This is perhaps the biggest challenge that comes with industrialization. Zombie Girl: The Movie. Pearsons disease. They can be made for a lot less money because the production unit and narrative range is narrow. You can also get great tips from experts in the field. Former teacher; current educational resource author @ The Littlest Teacher. of information, and this is taking a toll on them. For instance, the rise in temperatures Developing countries are trying to come up with better This is the intermediate stage of filming a documentary. Now heres a real gem. The film is about something thats relevant to the target audience but also has other levels of meaning. In class: Finding characters from the past that students can relate to is tricky. liberty and gender identity. And movie theatres are just an Uber ride away. Copyright 2021. At the end of the class, I could tell you the names of the characters and the basic plot of the play, but not what any of it meant. A good documentary idea should be a story worth telling. Joshua: Teenager vs. da Liberdade 615, 1, 4710-251 Braga | +351 963 171 939 It determines how effective the entire process of filming the documentary will be. Some of Such documentaries are ideal for creating awareness. standards and mortality rates. There are many religions globally, some of which are known, while others remain unknown to many. So, what are the best documentary ideas for high school students? Here are the tips for shooting your own videos on YouTube, 20 YouTube Video Ideas For A Lifestyle Channel. Ive noted some of the highlights, but Im sure youll find plenty more of your own! The site features humorous pieces on a variety of timely topics. Ah, what to say about this one With one part humor, one part mystery, one part unbelievability, the filmmakers craft quite a tale exploring Banksys impact on pop culture and street art, and his fans and imitators. Note the word play of the title (and how it plays into the theme of idioms), and the irony of the last line. Informational films are boring and shallow. Imagine the creative writing pieces students could create if asked to personify something in their lives. Alternatively, you can try to reconcile the two and get people to the common The story also makes use of flashbacks, making it great for introducing or reviewing that concept. Then you set out to find a story to bring it to life. Many to suit their lives. The learner should choose a topic familiar to them and tell the story creatively to win their audiences attention. Gift Guides These easy-to-read short stories will make your students smile, but there are plenty of opportunities for literary analysis as well. In this poem, we meet a grumpy old man who is always telling people to grow up. Remember that the first time someone has a story is the most interesting; thats when the mind is first open and fresh to the idea, so make sure you make the most of that opportunity. This play is perfect for high school students who are looking for a fast-paced, action-packed adventure. Whether you want to explore a certain topic in-depth or tell the story of someone or something special, documentaries can be both informative and engaging. It tells the story of how an eccentric French shopkeeper and amateur filmmaker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner with spectacular results. I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story. Go to lectures, watch documentaries, read. In class: Perfect for units covering tragic heroes or characters who fall from grace, Chekhovs work is a pretty searing commentary on the ideas surrounding what it means to be famous. Too bad Trevors latest trick (transforming baloney into zombies) has backfired. I have a amazing story idea! This will guide you to come up with a documentary relevant to your audience. Have you heard of The Moth? But first - drumroll please -, BookWidgets proudly presents the 17 selected short films. Young people do not The researcher will need to utilize all sources of information to come up with a documentary. In class: This is one of those funny short stories that lends itself to lessons about dialogue, diction, theme, and characterization. Audrie & Daisy opens by recounting the horrific events that led to the suicide of 15-year old Audrie. The scene was probably reconstructed. In a sense, the film should make the viewer feel something. The first thing as an aspiring filmmaker is to be clear about what a documentary idea is. smart to make a short documentary about the adverse effects of war. But you can also search YouTube for short documentaries. these immigrants are from North Africa and the Middle East. As one of the concerned parties, you should consider contributing to the continuing discussion about renewable energy. Exit Through the Gift Shop January 2, 2023 MB Team. Making a documentary film or a documentary photo essay is a very exciting step. Then, try and identify any gaps in the information and use your research to fill them. technology on mental health. Mona & Parviz. Now more than ever, individuals and activists around the world are championing policies to curb climate change. Coin Operated / Alike / Happiness. Include health experts in your documentary to explain the effects professionally. So here's a list about me: Christian. 4. They should be able to think about the subject of the documentary, especially after watching it. Most students struggle with selecting topics as well as creating content. You can then vet the ideas depending on the relevance of the project. For my film class, I have to make a short (five minute) documentary. Which image has caused me to pause, and keeps coming back to my mind? So, how do we get our kiddos excited about reading/analyzing/acting out plays? Additionally, it would be a great piece to bring to any discussion of whether or not students should read old stories that have language or ideas that are considered problematic today. You need to make sure that your documentary meets the following The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. Emily is twelve. You feel a passion for a certain way of life or the truth about something important and decide to make a film or photo documentary about that subject. Id suggest copying and pasting the text of the stories from these webpages into a document that you can either print out or assign as a PDF. MENTAL CAMOUFLAGE Its a good practice to write down ideas as they come to you. Boy mom. Come up with different versions of the documentary and share them with your friends. Whether its in books, magazine articles, or maybe the daily news. In class: This is perfect for introducing a new genre to students. A great read. your upcoming project is a documentary film? Use your research findings to develop a detailed script for your documentary. Your story should entertain and educate and offer your audience a deeper insight into the matter. The young generation stands to lose the most from the ongoing environmental destruction and climate change. sensitize more people on varying sex preferences and gender identities. Check out the 20 lifestyle channel video ideas that will be of great use. It would also work as a paired text with nonfiction readings about Machiavelli. do try to quit. Confession timeI hate ordering food by phone. Tabloid The origin of most religions is also a controversial topic. Things happen not only in terms of a process or a story but also in terms of the duration and a time frame thats in the real world. Here are some of the best funny conversation topics for high school students. This problem requires you to make a single large program. Related: How to Write a Documentary Script. Such a documentary should explain some of the hidden causes of the crime if any exist. 9. If well scripted, such a documentary can have an insightful effect on the audience. Recycling is an excellent idea. All You Need To Know About Google Photos. If your students are requesting some lighter literature, check out some of the funny short stories for high schoolers Ive rounded up. 7. The next step involves determining how to tell your story. your peers. For example, as an allegory. Of course, that could be a smartphone. For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate. This one is definitely a documentary for older teens, as Spinney's early life was full of heart-rending challenges. Children read the book. And its the perfect way to demonstrate that theatre was not designed to be a homework assignment, but rather entertainment! Your research should also give you an idea of the best shooting location and logistical considerations. Ask your students to imagine what an email or text exchange between one of their favorite characters and a teacher/doctor/neighbor might look like. Student Documentaries About People. with greater confidence. In this story, two aliens discuss the bizarre new life form theyve discovered and try to figure out how it thinks and lives. You never know where your next idea or story will come from. Most of These days I use either iThoughts for a very quick mind map where a quick visual is important or TheBrain, which allows you to develop deep ideas and thoughts, as my mind mapping apps. A good way to come up with ideas for documentaries is to browse short films on the Internet. The most important thing is to immediately record an idea that comes to you in your notebook or digital notebook. This list proves it! The more the viewer thinks about whats happening in the film and outside the film, the more interesting the film becomes to them. While you dont have to go quite that far, thats a story to keep in mind to remind yourself to carry a notebook or another way to quickly record your ideas. With documentaries, the process isnt so clearly defined. "The Dinner Party" by Mona Gardner. This short story caper takes on the classic detective trope and mocks it mercilessly. The story might come from the most unlikely places. You will, however, be required to provide new and insightful information on the topic. See our disclosurefor more info. There are hundreds of ideas that students can create a film on. Ascertaining facts can also be a challenge due to the unavailability of scientific proof of concept. Stories are everywhere, so you probably have many options to choose from in your own life. Write my essay. Today, the Winnebago Man has been seen by more than 20 million people worldwide and is regarded as one of the first and funniest viral videos. So, expect some depressing sights. In class: Indirect characterization leaps to the foreground in this funny short story as students can debate whether Lord Oakhursts wife is truly as sad as she says she is throughout the story. There are many angles to cover when it relevant, and insightful documentary. 3. This will make them easier for students to read without all the distractions of the ads and pictures on the webpages. In class: This piece is perfect for students who arent ready to grapple with some of the more complex satirical pieces theyre often given in school. Good examples of hyperbole, irony, slapstick, foreshadowing, inference, allusion, Great story for determining new vocab. It is war as the continuous pressure will yield positive results someday. For a strong argument, the audience doesnt have to agree with you, but you must at least have a point of view that makes them think. The value of pitching cannot be overstated in determining whether or not you have a good idea for a documentary. communicate as much as they ought to and base most of their interactions on Its feature-length, its bloody, and the zombies dont run. How funny is a documentary staring tons of comedians all telling their own version of the same joke? Its like you read my mind! Your students will laugh out loud when they discover that the aliens are talking about humans and love figuring out the everyday activities and items the aliens just cant seem to make sense of. funny documentary ideas for highschool students So Funny Dream Team Movie Dream Team Michael Keaton . And they nearly lost their minds laughing at the insults they got to hurl at one another in this play. transformed almost every facet of our lives. If I think back on my own English classes, the theatre units usually consisted of students sitting in a circle reading lines that sounded like they were written eons ago. Za izdavaa / Published by: Marija Ratkovi Vidakovi Sanja Zanki. Bowling for Columbine This will make your documentary more engaging. However, the awareness created will be worth it. We really dont use it enough in our English classes. Why is everything we read so depressing? < Sound familiar? On! the future. Too often, we make the mistake of tossing our students headfirst into Shakespeare rather than starting with content that is relatable, accessible, and engaging. Today, however, people all over the world are changing their The bouncing of different ideas leads to creativity and the development of a new theme or concept that can drive a new documentary project. Doing a documentary is about discovering, being open, learning, and following curiosity. These guidelines will help you come up with an excellent documentary for your school project. This can lead to a much stronger story. comes in. around us you will not need to travel to distant lands to get your material. You can also look closer to home and So dont be afraid to leave your ideas open and flowing, and to keep changing them. It doesnt matter if its healthy or not, or if Im ordering for one person or twenty. Id strongly advise you to try mind mapping in some form as part of your overall process. the most. A persuasive argument should be easy to formulate in one or two sentences. You can find lots of them on the Moths website and on YouTube. In contrast, characters in fiction can be constructed completely free from the imagination. Here's the film's official synopsis: Emily Hagins is making a zombie movie. One of the reasons why the genre is so woefully underfunded in public television. Reading is a very important way to discover ideas. For example, the following. James. But, regardless of the level of simplicity, they should inform the audience of some hidden truth. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 6. health solutions for their citizens. This makes it an excellent idea for a documentary. the advances made today. But it also tells a story, which makes it a great addition to this list of funny short stories. In class: I wish I still taught the mystery unit I taught for many years so that I could add this funny short story to the mix. sources such as oil. This can be done with pen and paper or digitally. The issue has been Shame on Google for no longer positioning this put up upper! That is the type of information that are meant to be shared across the web. Fictional narratives, on the other hand, put you in a fantasy world and sometimes in a fantasy time frame.Tolkien talked about how he imagined The Lord of the Rings in a time period that wasnt in the real world. 5. Short films (also called "short") when compared to feature films are relatively simpler to make. As a class, brainstorm a list of activities of events that take place all the time that we think are totally normal. Get students to make an advertisement or a pitch for a school event. Curiously, the top-rated hacking documentary of all time is not even about hacking technology of any type, but instead focused on how social media data is being weaponized for political gain. Terrific paintings! Theres plenty of direct and indirect characterization throughout the poem and the message is pretty obvious throughout. You will to choose the models and photograph them the entire day. Here are just a few ideas to get started on your own documentary journey. You can ignore the pesky politics and come up When Mona has to face the officials alone, the mood begins to falter. Blog; About; Tours; Contact; Katalog FRFF 2016 - Scribd Fax: 416.530.9935. t, p e da l i t o u t ! a student, there are plenty of subjects on which you can base your documentary. Also, try to briefly review the idea and take a moment to figure out and record what you find interesting about it and whats worth thinking about and developing further. Its amazing whatll grab your attention. ( Amazon, 14+) around the world is blamed on air pollution, particularly the release of carbon Crime documentaries are also a popular idea for high school documentaries. Information in such a documentary should be factual and referenced to increase credibility. Connoisseur of coziness. Sometimes characters and stories in fiction actually come from real people and real situations, from real things youve read in a newspaper or magazine, but they can also be completely made up. Another one of the most popular inspiring documentaries to watch as a student is Audrie & Daisy. So here are five seriously funny plays for high schoolers with a sense of humor. Of course, you dont have to watch through all the films you see, but if you take a quick look at a few, an interesting idea might come to mind. One can also focus on the causes of climate change. However, the best idea is to give your subjects a chance to tell their stories. A cat is a better pet than a dog. based on context clues, An American classic that your students may have read in middle school, but would benefit from reading again on a high school level, A fun read with the expected O. Henry twist. World leaders come into power with the promise of stopping ongoing conflicts, Most of the conflicts are in the Middle East, and some countries in I had to wait 20 years before I could tell the story because a lot of it and a lot of the people were kept secret. If your group isnt quite ready for Swifts A Modest Proposal, this is a great place to start. Theyre based on strong, convincing, and valid arguments. A documentary is only as good as a story. Nevertheless, people should not stop talking about If you want to make a feature film, theres a well-defined process by which you can make the film. My story/ book is called I have my family as possible interviewees and I can also use Zoom to film anyone else. Some satirical pieces are almost too serious for students to see as satire, but this one does a great job of taking a serious subject and turning it on its head to make a point. 2. And which one was your favorite? BONUS: its a great way to introduce satire and allegory. Known, while others remain unknown to many once a year, one my! The environment was before industrialization best Audition funny documentary ideas for highschool students for Parade by Character persuasive argument should be no in., they should be no wars in an ideal world the daily.! Climate change ), and images is still relevant today as we rethink Americas relations with the Muslim.. 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