what is scout's definition of fine folks

Harper Lee created Dolpus Raymond to show that people can be different and can seem one way on the outside but be a completely other person on the inside. This shows that at this point, shes still a child, and after what she learned during the trial she understands that theres not much that innately divides groups of people. Dolphus showed the diversity of the people who attended the trial that day. 1. From these incidences and from Atticus, what do we learn about Bob Ewell? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Metal ripped on metal and I fell to the ground and rolled as far as I could, floundering to escape. 5. What is the significance of the gifts Boo Radley leaves in the knothole? "Aunty," Jem spoke up, "Atticus says you can choose your friends but you sho' can't choose your family, an' they're still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge 'em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you don't. Jem was scared and stayed inside the house while he watched the whole conversation. What news arrives during Alexandra's afternoon tea? As soon as the ordeal is over Jem asks Atticus, They were after you werent they? They wanted to get you, didnt they?(146)Atticus isnt worried about the men and responds No son, those were our friends.(146) He doesnt believe that the men would actually hurt him. The children's manufactured fear of Boo is a stand-in for their . He thinks like a lawyer, and one side of a story is not enough for him to judge someone. He was weak and oppressed before he was killed in prison. You'll also receive an email with the link. Jem and Scout try to come up with a definition of Aunt Alexandra's mysterious term "background." Therefore he makes up stories about his life out of Maycomb in order to both amuse his friends and keep them from finding the truth. Aunt Alexandra believes that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was (130). While Scout's version allows people to get better through individual choice, in Aunt Alexandra's eyes, quality is a function of time more than anything. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? ] was his answer to Scout when asked about the very people who belittle him. 6. Now they have to fill in the gap it left in their heart with magnificent stories that are entirely unbelievable. He doesnt have parents who are really interested in him and thus has a rather dull and boring home life. He was married to a black women and had mixed children. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Y adems la comida ______ muy buena para la salud. Label each chapter and question as shown below. Harper created Atticus in her book to show this. 7.If I were in Harper Lees shoes, i would define courage as, when you know youre liked before you begin buy you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what(120). This realization just happened to be brought on by an eight year old. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Her voice rose: "It tears him to pieces. Atticus was cool headed as shown with is Well, answer it, son (146) joke, while Jem was nervous, and that was shown with his marks on his face from having his face pressed against the screen door. Maybe he makes them up to give himself a dream world that he can pretend is his real one. 6.Harper Lee created Dolphis to show that sometimes not everyone has a prejudice. Teaching this novel makes me very happy! For example, a teenager will not talk to a school principal the same way he or she talks to his or her best friend. I think Dolphus Raymond was created to show that race did not matter to some people. Who says this? Jem was frightened and worried because he thought that his fathers life was in danger. In fact she tells Jem, "'I asked him [Atticus] if I was a problem and he said not much of one, at . Mr. Raymond is a successful white man who is married to a black woman with a large family. But, he soon is told the contrary, and the men share Atticus ideas. She had the guts to tell a group of fully grown, angry men what she was raised to believe. After a few summers when the children are all very close friends Dill can start telling Scout and Jem the truth about his life because he knows they will never leave him or stop being his friends. What 4-way golf bags have full-length dividers fastened along all 4 edges, not just top and bottom? The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Then Jem points out that the Ewells must be fine people because they had been on the same land for generations. During the trial in the courtroom, Jem and Scout: What is Judge Taylor's interesting habit? Atticus tries to protect his children from the town and from racism. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. His ability to see that the men on the jury are still reasonable people comes from his desire to see good in everybody, since he recognizes that most people contain elements that are both good and bad. He becomes wiser and understands ideas like racism Atticus responded in an entirely different way than Jem. He relies on lies to protect him from the truth that he just gets passed from relative to relative and Miss Rachel keeps him every summer (82). Instead of telling Scout to avoid annoying Aunt Alexandra, eh tells her not to let Alexandra annoy her. There is a big difference, especailly in a town where if you have one drop of Negro blood, that makes you all black. (162). 2. While Dolphuss role in the book was minor, it was essential. Atticus didnt find it necessary to step in simply because they are human (157), and wouldnt do harm onto a child; especially considering that they each have children of their own. Toward the end of the book, in Chapter 26, Scout is reflecting on how much her life with Jem has changed. Scout interrupts, "But I want to play with Walter, Aunty, why can't I?" (Lee 301). I agree. However, Scout doesnt entirely believe in these system of judging people, as somewhere (most likely from Atticus) she has learned to judge people by what they do, not who they come from. "Jean Louise, stop scratching your head," was the. Dill has been passed from relative to relative since he has no parents or full time guardian and it is arguable that Dill turns to his mind for consolation during his life. If i was Harper Lee I would describe courage the way Atticus views it. Synonyms for FOLKS: family, people, tribe, house, clan, kinfolks, kinfolk, race; Antonyms of FOLKS: origin, descent, extraction, birth, ancestry, pedigree "Claudia's book is the 'bible' for those schools who want to pursue AI. Before Scout, Jem, and Calpurnia entered the First Purchase African M.E. Some of the reason that Scout and Jem are so afraid is because, to a degree, they still believe that courage and revenge happen physically. Jem reacted as if Atticuss life was in jeopardy but Atticus explains to him that, No son, those were are frinds.(146) Even though the men were startled when Jem screamed, the telephone is ringing, Atticus still had to explain to him that they were there to help him. Dont have an account? You dont have to be in a war or win the biggest upset of a case youve ever had; you simply must fight through your pain and suffering and reach the end of the line, or die trying. Harper Lee includes his because he wants to show that there was diversity even back then when there seemed to be only descrimination. He had courage to face whatever hardships the next day would bring. are-is In Scout's eyes people get better through individual choice. Now that is that." Aunt Alexandras understanding of fine folk is all about heritage. What further realization about Atticus, the trail and the community confuses Scout? They, on the other hand, were very excited to have these guests. The men leave the jail so Scout does not have to see them commit any harm to Atticus while Scout is present. She, an eight year old girl, stood up against a group of grown men and won. J. Grimes Everett was doing his utmost to change this state of affairs, and desperately needed our prayers. Identify each incorrect verb or pronoun, and give the correct form. I guess it ain't your fault if Uncle Atticus is a n*****-lover besides, but I'm here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family-", "Just what I said. Here Scout realizes that a double standard applies to white people who want to associate with black people. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and screamed. She talks about inviting Walter home for lunch. He wasnt really mixed, but a white man who preferred the company of the much less race oriented black folk. 5. To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Guide Part Two: Chapters 13-30 Write in Complete Sentences and make sure your font is a different I am not sure if he believes all people to have some good in them for sure, but I do know he is a very thoughtful character. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get a free blog at WordPress.com Scout is just a young girl, and growing up without a mother has impacted the lady shes growing into. How dependent is Atticus's good behavior on his children? However, the way he groups people nevertheless betrays that he still holds troubling ideas of his own and isnt entirely sold on the idea that all people are the same insidewhat separates them is skin color, education, money, and relationships. MODELO: As la carne de res, pero sali seca. A sleepy old shark. native american legend dog with different colored eyes. ] He also lies to make an impressive background for himself because in reality his background is quite sad. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. 4.) Log In To Your . This is another line that illustrates the difference in what Scout understands as a child and what she will come to understand years later. I would say that the visit to Calpurnias church was a whole new world for Scout and Jem. 2. Jem them grew anxious and yelled, Atticus, the telephones ringing(146)! I agree Richard. For her, part of the draw of being in such a small town is feeling superior to everyone else. What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? Atticus is almost crazy in the towns eyes for taking this case. Tom Robinson death is like that of the roly poly. Both children only want love and acceptance from their parents and neither child receives it. This was a representation of how racism was back then. Courage: facing the fight without backing down. Instant PDF downloads. Bravery and courage to endure anything even when the situation is hopeless. Coming near the end of the novel, this quote also demonstrates Scouts growing sense of compassion and capacity for independent thought. The case never should have gone to trial because it is "as simple as black and white" . He gets passed from relative to relative (82) which also shows he is not as likely to have people to genuinley care for him. Without lies, Dill simply wouldnt be Dill anymore. Scout and Jem have no idea that Dill is really having family problems at home and he is passed between his siblings to and from often. How does he break the one remaining code of childhood? After this conflict the rest of the service goes on quietly and Scout and Jem are respected as they were coming into the church as they are inside the church. Jem and Atticus defiantly had different opinions on these men. As they gang up on Atticus they are taken off completely when Scout begins to show respect to Mr. Cunningham. He goes on to say that other people are guiltymeaning Mayella being guilty of breaking a taboo. Underline all words, letters, numerals, and symbols that should appear in italics in the following sentences. What is the target of Atticus's final plea? Chapter 13: How does Scout's definition of "Fine Folks" differ from that of Aunt Alexandra's? By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Aunt Alexandra's idea of "fine folks" is very different than Scout's idea of it. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. When Atticus came back inside, Jem asked, they were after you, werent they? (146) Atticus however, is not worried at all about the men being outside, and welcomes them. She knew that in the process she could have been harmed. Atticus always tells Jem to keep his cool, although as shown with Atticus , Do you really thing so? (146), his will to fight for a cause, or his courage, is unprecedented. Dills lies are a plea to gain the attention of the people around him such as Jem and Scout. 3. Then, sum up the themes restated in number 52 , the coda to Song of Myself. As Scout was simply a child, the face of innocence, the men were snapped from there trance of hate and malice. Instead he met the men with his usual calm and quiet demeanor. Aunt Alexandra Quotes About Her Character. What is Aunt Alexandra's definition of "Fine Folks"? What new fears arise at the end of chapter 22? His imagination is what gives him the ability to create these wondrous and fascinating accounts of events. 1. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. What does Scout blame on Calpurnia? Why did Calpurina decide this was a good time to take the children to her church ? Also, people had Streaks in them, and they were judged on what kind of streak ran in the family. Scout believes that Fine Folks were peole who did the best they could with the sense they had.(130) Scout judges peole by their actions not by their past. Scout is confused out what fine folks are because she receives several different definitions of who those people are. 4. Contrast Jems reaction to that of his fathers about the men who visit Atticuss house. 12? (23.84-85). She says that she smells stale whiskey(152) I dont think that drunken men would back off so easily just because Atticus is trying to be a friend to a Black man. When she is speaking to Mr. Cunningham about Walter she shows him that Atticus was kind to him. Judge Taylor has a prowler. 3. Turnense para dar consejos despus de que todo sale mal en una comida. People didnt realize that they were being racist back then either; it was just a way of life. I never understood her preoccupation with heredity. Also, Scout was curious as to why a donation was held for Tom Robinson and his family. Jems reaction to the group of men who arrived at the door for Atticus during the night was mostly alarmed and frightened for the safety of his father. How are Mr. Dolphus Raymond and his children a reminder of the racism of both blacks and whites? In sharp contradiction, Aunt Alexandra is a person who is under the impression that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was (130). A black man accused of assaulting and raping Mayella Ewell. (including. How would you describe Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church? In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents a life of Jean Louis Finch, also known as Scout, growing up in a small town. A mean elderly woman who lives near the Finch's. It exploresthe rites of passage of three unforgetable children and one very brave father. The color guard marched in, the scout in the front holding the folded flag. This story is highly unlikely but it demonstrates Dills imaginative nature and his need for attention. To Kill a Mockingbird. Finding the Subject in Sentences Beginning with There and Here. Although they were all great friends, Dill was not the smartest or most athletic, so out of this he decided the only way to get noticed was to lie, or exagerate. Pregntale a tu compaero(a) qu estaban haciendo estas personas ayer a la hora indicada. Who says this? Atticus essentially proposes here that racism, not the courts or the law, is the problem. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Aunt Alexandra's definition of fine folks was the longer the family had been living on the same piece of land, the finer they were. Atticus doesnt let the insults of other citizens of Maycomb discourage his intentions of defending Tom Robinson to the best of his ability. And that's pretty hard to do late in the week with Sunday coming at us like a speeding freight train. I believe that Atticus answers this question when her tells Scout So it took an eight-year-old child to bring em to their senses. Howre we gonna sing it if there aint any hymn-books? (121). How does her understanding differ fom that of Aunt Alexandras. 4. If he were her double first cousin once removed he would still not be received in this house unless he comes to see Atticus on business. Dill needs to lie because he is not comfortable with his life. I think he is a good role model in his own way. One of the men in the mob outside the jail at night is Walter Cunningham's father. Atticus means that even though the crowd was bitter because of the ongoing events, they were still human. Atticus is the same in both public and private, but not Scoutshe's willing to toe the line and play it cool with outsiders, but she still fights with her own family. This is also, why Atticus makes Jem go read to Mrs. Dubose before she dies. Spitting in Atticuss face is, in their understanding, not enough to make Mr. Ewell okay with what happened. Zeebo, Calpurnias son, read the hymns to the congregation, line by line, because he was one of bout four folks in First Purchase [that can] read. (124). b. He is at a young age where he needs to be cared for, not necessarily babied along, but to have someone to help and and someone he can prove himself to. Atticus hopes this will distract her from her morphine addiction so she can die without the addiction. Example: Many a species are either endangered or threatened. Where else in the chapter does this symbol appear? Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want This line serves a dual purpose. Mrs. Dubose is an old woman who yells insults at everyone who walks by her house. Teachers and parents! Ironically, the person she most wants to please Atticus is least concerned about her acting in a certain way. Why does Aunt Alexandra move into the Finch household? 3. that she means money, as well as social standing as an indicator of 3. If I were in Harper Lees shoes, I would describe courage as doing what one believes is right no matter how controversial that item may be. Courage would be described as believing in something that you want and not basing your opinions on somebody elses judgment. Seven years ago General David Petraeus and analyst Michael O'Hanlon wrote this paean to the U.S. military: The United States has the best military in the world today, by far. ___, "He can't hear you, Scout, he's out like a light. Why would she treat Atticuss children in such disrespect if not for race? If she was trying to show that not being racist is a good thing then why not make the character more respectable? Why does Mayella Ewell lie on the witness stand? His drinking out of a sack shows the reader, falsely, that he is a drunk. During the service, instead of using hymn books, a single man stepped into the aisle and read the hymn a few lines at a time, then allowing the rest of the congregation to sing what he had just read. I mean everything (146). On the other hand, Scout thought that a family was people who did the best they could with the sense they had (130). Scout defiantly thinks that a family should be proud of what they already have no matter if they know who their generations were or if they have lived on the same piece of land their whole life. What lesson does he hope Jem will learn from spending time with Mrs. Dubose. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Refine any search. Why did Dill run away from home back to Maycomb? Sometimes I think I'm a total failure as a parent, but I'm all they've got. for a group? Subscribe now. She believed in dying free and she wanted to be rid of dependence on Morphine when she died. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Dill lies mainly to defend himself. What is the incident between Jem and Scout and the rolly polly mean to symbolize? Ace your assignments with our guide to To Kill a Mockingbird! Atticus Finch looks for good in people, but in a multifaceted way. verb (used with object) to examine, inspect, or observe for the purpose of obtaining information; reconnoiter: to scout the enemy's defenses. Purchasing 7. He learns how to make right decisions; when Dill was hiding under Scout's bed ", "I say where the chillun?an' she saysthey all gone to town to get ice creams", "Aunty, is Jem dead?" What is similar about the way Alexandra, Calpurna and Scout respond? The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. They learned from Calpurina that cant but about four folks in first purchase read [Calpurinas] one of them.(124). From his drinking out of a sack (160) to his mixed child[ren], (160) Dolphus teaches the reader of the gap between a southern white man and a southern black man, and what happens when the two combine. It was definitely a good learning experience for the children. 7. In the novel, Atticus doesnt tell his children about his extraordinary skill at shooting. Talk about upsetting the social order: Atticus seems much less concerned with judging his children (as opposed to, say, Bob Ewell) than with how they might judge him. Also, Scout;s one sided conversation with Mr. Cunningham gives him and the other men tie to cool off and think about what they are doing. Tom Robinson was killed. Somewhere along when the Finches were in Egypt one of 'em must have learned a hieroglyphic or two and he taught his boy." They were looking down in shame. Teachers and parents! 1. You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. Jem knew that In Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons: death and politics (145). Scout believes fine folks to be fine because of their work ethic and their fortitude but Aunt Alexandra believes fine folks are base on heredity. The Fjords04 Theme. i think that what Lyndsay has explained are the reasons why his character was so essential. At first, Jem thinks that the men are there to harm his father. Their family heritage. How does Tom Robinson present himself when he testifies? 6. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Dolphus even preffered the blacks over his own race, which was absolutely crazy back then, but Dolphus believed that everyone was created equally so it does not matter to him. He is brave for his children and extremely courageous for taking on such a controversial case. Mayella only had marks on the right side of her face and since Tom's left hand is crippled, he couldn't have been the one who assaulted her. I think Harper Lee created the character Dolphus Raymond to show the readers the diversity of the types of people who attended the trial. What are the two applications of bifilar suspension? 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