michael b rush excommunicated

Were it up to me I would leave some roles unfilled rather than put uninspired, unworthy persons in there. 97. Thanks for this. Retrieved 7 June 2015. would then regulate such claims. by mes5464 August 20th, 2021, 8:57 am, Post I cant even wrap my head how he spun the unvaccinated into the covenant if death. MICHAEL B FITZGERALD. Perhaps, Id better serve my own desire for Zion by showing more zeal instead of being pessimistic. by h_p August 19th, 2021, 8:43 pm, Post We are all learning and doing the best we can given the circumstances of our life. Assure eternal reign, I am a convert, as a teenager, and against the wishes of my father (an atheist). But in the end, there is not a whole lot of substance. In the process he talked about how the secret combinations had stolen the election from Trump (clearly not something anyone in LDS leadership would say). Unrighteous dominion is the result of fear. I was very saddened to learn of Mike Strouds excommunication, but why was his wife also excommunicated? In Elder Oaks talk Be Not Deceived he also did not teach that we should fear deception. Rush (Ezra's Eagle) and the FP Covid Statement by h_p Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:43 am Many of you might be familiar with this guy, he's the guy who's been quite prolific about the Ezra's Eagle prophecy. As JS said we can govern ourselves and let the spirit guide. Send us comments about our Author Pages. (But the few Spanish and Portuguese podcasts are still up, so who knows.). Now I havent followed Rowe at all, but I understand her to be conservative, focusing on preparing for the end times. Where he is mistaken then we are all in it together, a better thing than a church with many heads and no direction. They were and they did. Conscience and Community: Sterling M. McMurrin, Obert C. Tanner, and Lowell L. Bennion. His original analysis has been studied by students of the scriptures in over 130 countries worldwide, and is included in his first book A Remnant Shall Return first published in 2015. And yet the excommunications continue. From One of Many Excommunicated by WELS. Third, Stroud continued to espouse ideas that appear to be influenced by the end-times book Visions of Glory. Michael B. Turning again to Alma: 30:53 But behold, the devil hath deceived me; for he appeared unto me in the form of an angel, and said unto me: Go and reclaim this people, for they have all gone astray after an unknown God. This document was basically their attempt to establish that. If they dont want us talking about it, then why the hell are we singing about it? For this, I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness. Somethings been gnawing at me as Ive listened to Strouds podcasts during the last week or so. Funny enough, the Church released a new resource for seminary and institute instructors last August on false revelation. And as the author rightly conceded he never actually used the term astral projection. I still think that Mike Stroud may be in error on some of his teachings. If the 144,000 really are a club that pat each other on the back for their superior knowledge while condemning us gentiles for our weaknesses, then they can have their club, I will stand with the man and woman who love me in my weaknesses and join with them to bear each others burdens as we seek to improve our ability to love one another as Christ and God have loved us. After bearing a heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, and deity, Brother Stroud announced hed been excommunicated for apostasy. The more youre loved, the more youre hated. Former Mormon Misty Snow [60] ran as the first transgender person nominated by a major party for the U.S. Senate. But thats not how the author and the other spooks see it. Several people put together an open letter (a Google doc) citing new questionable teachings from his conference address onward. But I have read a lot of other material on enlightenment. including by not limited to: legal, investing, financial, medical, accounting, or any other professional advice. Its this kind of fluffy, fear mongering, reaching for the stars conclusions that made the document so difficult to read. I put it this way because too many people think that love is an action word, and for them perhaps it is. Many near death experiences when put into a book get embellished but I have no doubt he had some sort of experience to be able to express what he did. If you seek professional advice, please see a licensed professional with your respective government. But we laugh at those ideas today. I appreciated Mike pointing out that Nephi told his brothers that they dont get answers because they dont ask or if they do ask then they dont really believe that they will receive answers. He is also an adviser with the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. Michael B Rush wrote this book as a study into The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel. On the other hand, there are also many in our faith who truly believe that the illusions of separation and comparison are a very real thing. I was at the meeting where Mike told the guy to not be afraid of deceit. Michael B Rush wrote this book as a study into The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel. Summary: Michael Rush is 46 years old and was born on 07/29/1974. This principle is explained here: Alma 12:9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him. This Mike Stroud controversy is something that has somewhat divided me. , and anything else that is cult-like or weird.. They go together. Actually I know of one of Kimberlys associates who flat out disagreed with this very quote during a social media discussion. Thank you, Kimberly. I will tell you that as a former student of Hugh Nibley this is no different than what he use to say in his B of M class. I feel very sad for him! Well I can say for those of us as lifers and close to retirement have all seen a culture change. I am much more impressed by the ignorant man who is filled with the love of God for the people around him, than the person who professes to know the secrets of Christ, and aspire to be worthy of the company of the former. Its like a room of mirrors, how can you choose which direction to go? The Gospel topics essays are a mixed bag. Watch any religion that does not offer this connection fade into oblivion before your very eyes. Replace it with righteous dominion? Also known as Micheal Rush. My spirit hurts. What the? .. A member in Cardston observed, She testified of how real and true the concept of modern revelation from the Lord to His prophet really is.. Are there saints among them? Now they are Hanging words. Yet, they are ignored, as, apparently, are the canonized scriptures such as the Bible, BOM, and D&C. Towards the end of the Saviors earthly ministry, His disciples came to Him with several questions concerning the future: Tell us what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? I have a doubt I do anything out of love, I do things because I care. June 6, 1891. It is a BURDEN on those so chosen. So, I have learned to just not worry about this so-called extreme gospel. Rush (Ezra's Eagle) and the FP Covid Statement, Re: Michael B. Yes, no, maybe so! If conservative means preserving the status quo, then no change can be conservative, and that statement becomes a tautology. It was inappropriate for me to teach that that the Church of Latter-day Saints is Aaronic in nature and preparatory to the Melchizedek priesthood institution referred to in scripture as the Church of the Firstborn. But if you take a higher altitude view, there are a number of changes that could be conservative by some definition. Where are they today? Infact, what Bryson noted was that at the same time she was the most loved person in class she was also the most hated. Rush Limbaugh reached millions of listeners via his golden microphone with his shows airing in small stations out in rural America that even Fox News couldnt reach. Judgment. but times have changed and if you interpret the scriptures the way we have for eons you now find yourself exed for apostasy. Have they approached the tree of life? - by Michael B Rush Free Download - See the Analyzed Differences Between The Last Days Timeline and A Remnant Shall Return - Click Here Michael B Rush wrote this book as a Michael B. If Im not mistaken one of only 2 prayers from His mouth recorded in the Bible. Most in the church know little about this topic and Im not too thrilled about even commenting on it but the author did accuse of it so a response is warranted. Caring implies action; love is just a feeling. Stroud also recommended asking for visitations from specific Book of Mormon individuals. Instead they would take joy in the blessing of others and take equal joy in the blessing that God has given themselves. Ideas that we are now not even suppose to talk about . Mike was not contradicting the Savior at all here. Separation is another illusion brought about by the fall. False Doctrine right and left. Bro. Im not sure that garment changes fit a philosophy one way or another. That suggested the possibility that he knew what the grounds were and might have told you. And honestly, the elephant in the room is: I remember reading this recently (already had it marked) because I am studying Isaiah right now, and he has it completed backwards and is taking it out of context. Pretty soon after that he taught his wife how to have visitations. That is what made Mike Stroud one of the most dangerous False teachers in the church. John 4:18 teaches that perfect love casteth out fear. Rush is the author of A Remnant Shall Return, Daniel 11, and Revelation the Vision of John the Divine. 5. I can assure you that Mikes Priesthood leaders and many people in his ward and Stake have had serious concerns about his teachings long before I ever wrote that letter. It takes the seeker after a sign to the next level. Michael B. If were not supposed to strive for these things, then what are the stories for? The plummet is a depth line to measure how deep the water is. At the time of this writing, Michael is the Corporate Controller of a $5 billion manufacturing company. Continue to follow the teachings of apostate sects (such as those that advocate plural marriage) after being corrected by their bishop or a higher authority. Michael is the the author of three books, A Remnant Shall Return, Daniel 11, and Revelation - The Vision of John the Divine. Oh, I knew the feeling, but I did not know what feeling goes with the word, and I did not know the word for the feeling, and I struggled for years not knowing how to obey the Two Great Commandments since each requires a knowledge of what is love (as meant in the scripture anyway; the word has many human meanings). Both are tools to measure the truth of something. I have been very excited to hear the encouragement by our Prophet Russell M Nielson to seek after a relationship with the Lord, to gain power in the priesthood, to hear President Eyering encourage us to be like Enoch to call down the powers of heaven, to stop armies. Shunned by family and friends and their church clergy because of lack of understanding of the spirit world. But Stroud uses the Book of mormon itself to promote his new meanings and speculative and new definitions of basic gospel teachings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWBwS6IL4Js&t=27s youtube.com The Father's Message to the latter-day Gentiles This video discusses a message that the Father commanded His Son Jesus Christ to share with the Nephites - which would be of great benefit to the Gentiles in. During that time, express your gratitude, your love, your adoration, and give praise to Them for all that They have given to you and for all that you are. (Podcast 05: Spending Sacred Holy Time With The Lord Jesus Christ, abt 13:16) Them and They refer to Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ. MR . Im not sure how anything King Follett fits in one way or the other. I have read all of Rush's books. After the excommunication was announced, those behind the Google doc and Mike Stroud Podcast Exposed Facebook page were blamed for the disciplinary action and received public backlash. Artists, Actors, and Entertainment Figures. This Podcast is based off the book - A Remnant Shall Return written by Michael Rush. His original analysis has been studied by students of the scriptures in over 130 countries worldwide, and is included in his first book - A Remnant Shall Return first published in 2015. I like Rush in the general sense and have found some some of his views even helpful, but I disagree with him on a number of particulars. [59] Benji Schwimmer, the winner of the 2006 So You Think You Can Dance show. The church does not regulate claims per se (IMO) but rather who is authorized to speak for God. A Facebook page was put up in December called Mike Stroud Podcast Exposed, modeled after another Exposed page. He posted a video yesterday with his take on the infamous Covid email. I have not listened to all of them. My heart hurts for them. This is youre basic McCarthyist style, witch accusing, intimidation tactic that is used to try and gain total control over perception and the situation. Jesus responded: Take heed that no man deceive you. I have appreciated the respect given even when people here disagreed with each other. In sharing that vision those that feel threatened wanted to kill him and he was directed to leave after going back for his familys set of scriptures that was in the possession of Laban. Click a location below to find Michael more easily. Evan, I wasnt really disagreeing with what YOU said before, and I disagree even less now. There it is dude, black and white, my permission to explore the mysteries of God. No one in the church called them to write up that online doc. Mike Stroud: Stroud said it almost feels like your being drawn upward. Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezra's Eagle. Ending priesthood ban, baby steps towards female equality, changing to youth interview questions, baby steps in changing of anti-gay rhetoric, making the garment easier, BYU Honor Code policy, recent temple changes, all the gospel topics essays, backing off slightly on the King Follett doctrine stuff, more GAs of color, more grace, etc. It is the ability to connect with god in this life that makes the gospel important. View all posts by Mary Ann. Formally join another church and advocate its teachings. Michael Rush currently lives in Franklin, TN; in the past Michael has also lived in Draper UT. Did you testify that Jesus is the Christ to ones that dont know and that by the shedding of His blood your sins are forgiven.And that the shedding of the blood of Christ is in the covenant of the Father( moroni10:33).? "Always A Cowboy: Judge Wilson McCarthy and the Rescue of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad." I also have listened to all of Mikes podcasts multiple times and have learned a great deal from them. Epoch Times Documentary - Who is Stealing America? See more of Michael B. Michael Mansour Rush, 69. For example, President Nelson counseled in April, I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable thingsthat which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.12, Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know. I myself would never say someone did or did not have these experiences. I am not a fan of personal revelations, testimony meetings, patriarchal blessings, the temple in general, bishopric and stake presidency interviews, the ensign, 90% of conference talks, and anything else that is cult-like or weird. A stay-at-home mom to three, she enjoys family history research and talking religion. My guess is that he proceeded in direct opposition to some counsel he was given and agreed to, because while his doctrine sounds extreme and off the path of truth, I dont think the church is in the business of excommunicating people for faulty but genuinely held beliefs. Michael's net worth hovers over $100,000 - $249,999 with a yearly income that's about $200 - 249,999. Bless their hearts, they grab onto something they crave or feel drawn to or whatever, and an obsessiveness follows that strains coping skills for the individuals involved, as well as family and friends who try to help them regain balance and moderation. Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezra's Eagle. Still, I was worried at the time that Brysons universal constant might apply. Your email address will not be published. The final conclusions of the Ezra's Eagle prophecy takes us to the restoration of the US Constitution. I really don't like his book Revelation. (I wasnt aware hed started podcasting again until after his excommunication, so there was a lot to catch up on.) See: List of Latter-day Saints for current members of the LDS Church. What a dilemma! The Church will make some faction angry with any move they make. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ, His atoning sacrifice. This is a list of well-known Mormon dissidents or other members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) who have either been excommunicated or have resigned from the church as well as of individuals no longer self-identifying as LDS and those inactive individuals who are on record as not believing and/or not participating in the church. by mudflap August 20th, 2021, 8:31 am, Post You Asked, We Answered! We cannot develop faith if we have fear. Another problem is that God isnt the only spirit that can pop things into your mind. The lady said she knew it was the Lord. To what end? Resides in Gaithersburg, MD. Now after getting someone excommunicated and probably getting another podcaster taken down, they are also developing an appetite for it. Michael B. . Michael passed away in December 2019. Evan, my e-mail is scootd28@yahoo.com. or. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Dont be afraid. [This is a possibility.] All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That flow from fountains pure. But its not just about spending time with deity. Talk to his neighbors and ward members as I have and you will see how badly you misjudge somebody who is only crime is taking the scriptures seriously and encouraging others to do the same. 2 Ne 9:28 Listen to Mikes podcasts for your self. Astral travel during sleep was taught by Brigham Young in the following quote. While he said he has a desire to be translated someday, and endeavors to live worthy of such a calling, he clearly said that such an opportunity would only come by calling and NOT from personal desire. Christ prayed in John 17 His great intercessory prayer that we might all be one with Him as He is with the Father. I saw some of his videos after the election and he was trying really hard to explain it in a way that fit his Ezra's Eagle view. Mike Stroud set aside the counsel of God which was offered to him by the Lords servants called to minister to his children on earth. Rules apply to everyone else but not to them. Rush, author of: A Remnant Shall Return-Daniel 11-REVELATION the Vision of John Divine. We have information on 910-692-9945, including Michael B Rush's name, address, and background checks with criminal records. It was an experience he had a seminary teacher. Conjectures and historical comments on others, however, simply left the question hanging. RockiesGma describes Mike Strouds podcast correctly. DEHLIN, JOHN. Michael can be contacted at [emailprotected]Michael B. I would argue that this is extremely significant. Benson or whoever stated the proverbial straw that broke the marriages backs. It was a problematic combination. Which leads into Jackson County Missouri and the New Jerusalem. As Rush said, at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies, there are no degrees because the learning never stops. Michael B. Abramson is a practicing attorney. She only came to tell him about this vision she had. There are things after I read the sources that he quotes, I dont agree with his interpretation. Didnt Nephi say something about applying the scriptures? These men and women called to this ministry have an assignment in a future day when hopelessness and despair, destruction and death rule the day to go into these nations and through priesthood power and the gifts of the Spirit find these lost ones who have no hope of deliverance and bring them through miraculous ways superseding time and space and deliver them to places of safety and refuge set up by the Lord in his wisdom throughout the world, [57:26] Many of them will be translated in the flesh, as in ancient times, so as to be able to fulfill this mission successfully to bring these redeemed of the Lord to Zion. The lady did NOT come to Mike to ask if she had a Second Comforter experience. How many times over the last 25 years did I cringe when someone would quote Mormon Doctrine as fact instead of opinion. "661: Abby Huntsman and Carrie Sheffield and their Transitions Out of Mormonism". To be fair, Mike did put a disclaimer at the beginning and the end of the podcast in question that this technique may not be for everyone and should only be tried with discernment. Rush. And unrighteous dominion thrives. Robert Alan Goldberg, L. Jackson Newell, Linda King Newell. Podcast 05: Spending Sacred Holy Time With The Lord Jesus Christ, the frequency and abundance of messages from heaven have increased exponentially, She testified of how real and true the concept of modern revelation from the Lord to His prophet really is., Mike Stroud Has Been Excommunicated Latter-day Commentary Last Days Signs of the Times, End-Times Visionary Julie Rowe Excommunicated Wheat & Tares, Jana Riess: Chad Daybells strange end times beliefs are not Mormon theology, says historian .U.S.A.-News. I really enjoyed the first piece you did on Stroud. I have no desire to be in the 144,000. I was sickened to hear Visions of Glory was banned from Desert Book. Michael, nice comments. If God offers gifts, are we supposed to disrespect the gift by refusing to seek after it? Marriner Eccles. I first wrote about Mike Stroud in September 2017, several months after I'd been introduced to his podcasts by a wardmember. He inspired me to read the apocrypha of Esdras and I think the eagle prophecy is about the USA and is right on track. I would like to invite all who have served missions in Spanish-speaking or Portuguese-speaking countries, if you can, to refer these podcast lessons to those men and women that you worked with in the mission field and put them in touch with the Spanish translation of these Book of Mormon lessons and well soon have the first lessons in Portuguese. (Podcast 012: 1 Nephi 12, abt 20:19), The reason I suspect this was an issue is that in Strouds podcast where he announces his excommunication, he notes that he is only continuing the series at the encouragement of his children. More frequently, I have witnessed a few somewhat mentally fragile or mentally ill members take nose dives into fanaticism because of teachings in General Conference or from a quote in a lesson manual. But this doesnt seem to matter to the author. My response:. Wise teachers like Jesus would never tell us to be afraid because it would directly limit our ability to grow in faith and love. Wish us luck. If these teachings are wrong, then God is dead and so is his church. . by Michael Rush Format: Kindle Edition Kindle Edition $9.99 Paperback $24.99 See all details Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. Of course, I get all those things. This journey led to a very odd place.the old apocrypha. Also I have pondered a lot on the fact that Lehi was not a prophet in his day but a regular man that spent some time pondering the teachings of prophets and had a vision and shared that vision. While the church doesn't regularly provide information about excommunication or resignation, those listed here have made such information public. One does not expect everyone to recognize such but we should be prudent enough to listen to those who we might think were well apprised of discerning Good and Evil. Anything God wants you to know is either (1) already in scripture or (2) told direct to your mind. The book the Lord said in the Doctrine and Covenants had some problems. Why? Rather, he continually and fervently directs listeners to seek the spirit, keep the commandments, follow the prophets, study the scriptures, attend the temple, ponder, pray, fast, and serve one another. It only takes a little time to see the fruits of their labors, to recognize they are indeed proud, vain and foolish. Some of the garbage they sell slays me. Rush is the author of A Remnant Shall Return, Daniel 11, and Revelation the Vision of John the Divine. He believed that it was to benefit the modern-day descendants of Lehi, who are assigned to the tribe of Manasseh: I believe that the majority of the tribe of Manasseh are Spanish speakers. (Podcast 08: 1 Nephi 5-7, abt 41:51) In January, Stroud asked listeners for help to get translated Spanish (and Portuguese) podcasts into the hands of those who could benefit from them. Information and mugshots posted on this web site is Lived In Hanover PA. Related To Shohreh Rush, Mona Rush. I had many questions and nobody to ask. If you think that you are ready for what is coming - think again. He said, "Undoubtedly angels often guard us from accidents and harm, from temptation and sin. Why did she not TEST THE SPIRITS like we are taught to do in Doctrine and Covenants? Fear is the opposite of faith. I think his cognitive dissonance is almost to a breaking point. Includes Address(5) Phone(4) Email(1) See Results. Public Transport Seville Airport To City, But I agree with you general point that if we want to establish Zion we need to shrug off the standard mortal way of looking at things. LDSFreedomForum.com does not necessarily agree with all content posted by users of this forum. My great grandfather having read the Book of Mormon and desiring to know if it was true and having read about the 3 Nephites asked that they be sent to him to teach him the gospel. Mike is addressing this subject which the author refutes as not based on scripture or the words of prophets. Where are the stories of single mothers working desperately to provide food for their children, even to the point of offering their bodies to men of power who exercise unrighteous dominion? Or resignation, those listed here have made such information public we should fear deception you seek professional,! Love casteth out fear financial, medical, accounting, or any other professional advice, please see a professional. 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